We need your help!

Now is the time to start thinking about how we can all make a difference. Let’s not forget the ABATE Mission Statement:

A.B.A.T.E. of Oregon promotes motorcycle awareness, education, safety and liberty through community involvement and legislative action.

It’s not hard to help. First of all, be aware! Don’t just talk about “those guys in Salem.” Know who they are, and what issues they are voting on. Don’t hesitate to call their offices or write letters to express your opinions. That’s what they’re there for, to represent you. They can’t do a very good job of that if they don’t know what you think. Finally, if you care about your rights as a rider, stay active! Take part in ABATE and in BikePAC of Oregon. If you don’t, who will?

As always, information on the issues will be updated on the Oregon Legislative News. Information on how to contact your senators and representatives can be found on the Elected Officials page.

It’s easy to let your voice be heard. It’s free. Contact them now, and let them know how you feel about the issues. Or don’t whine about what they do to you later.

Do you know who your representatives are?

Information on finding your Legislative District or the names of your Legislators can be found by clicking HERE.  For contact information on your elected officials click on the Elected Officials link at the top of this page.

BikePac of Oregon

BikePAC of Oregon